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Successfully Passed the European Customer Quality Assessment

Просмотры:2     Автор:Pедактор сайта     Время публикации: 2018-01-04      Происхождение:Работает

Successfully Passed the European Customer Quality Assessment

On November 28, 2017, an inspection group of four quality control engineers from a European enterprise ranked the top in the industry, carried out the evaluation of the annual supplier qualification of our company.

According to the requirements of the accreditation guidelines, they carried out a systematic and comprehensive on - site assessment for our quality, environment, occupational health and safety, hazard analysis and critical control points. By listening to the reports, on - site questions, access to records and communication, the group did a deep and meticulous inspection and evaluation on management process, certified files and personnel files, checked and analyzed the production site one by one.

The inspection group fully affirmed the massive work we did in the last year, and thought that our company had made significant progress and improvement in quality control and management compared with the previous last two years, especially for our fairness management, risk management, quality management system and so on. It was considered that the quality management system of our company was in conformity with the requirements of the standard, and they agreed to continue to qualify us as the qualified supplier.

Recently, we have formally received a written assessment report from our European customer. We would take this opportunity to improve the quality awareness, risk awareness and responsibility consciousness of our staff through the obtained high score assessment. We would further improve and optimize the quality management system, strived to improve product quality and stability on the solid base of system construction; we should continuously enhance the level of certification management, constantly meeting the needs of customers with high quality products under the new situation, and making unremitting efforts to become the world&dm4atp&s first - class lifting equipment suppliers.

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